Friday, October 26, 2012

DYAF: The Infamous Stringdusters singing a train a subway!

When I first went to Southern Seminary, in Louisville, I was introduced to this bluegrass group.  Somehow, these guys took a style of music that I did not particularly like and made it very approachable and cool!  Do yourself a favor and check out this great song--My Destination--recorded in a New York City Subway.

You can see it and hear it here.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

DYAF: Alistair Begg preaching on "Personal Life of the Preacher"

Begg preached this sermon at the 2009 Preach the Word Conference.  If you are a pastor, you do well to pay careful attention to this excellent exposition.  If you are a lay person, you do well to listen and commit to pray fervently for your pastor(s).

You can give it a listen here.